Metodologi Digital Forensik

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Dibawah ini adalah alur kerja penyelesaian kasus menggunakan digital forensik :
“1. Collection 2. Examination 3. Analysis 4. Reporting “ (4)

Metodologi Digital Forensik menurut  Smith Petreski :
”SPM Details :
–Developed for the analysis phase of digital investigations
–Organized by the classification of case types
–Development of goals by case type
–Evaluation and quantification of methods to determine optimal paths
–Implementation of a time management framework.
–Part expert system with processes to better develop case goals, identify ideal methods, and set time goals. “ (5)

 Methodology Goals :
–Better development of pre-analysis information
–Achieve better estimation of investigation required
–Optimize time to achieve case goals
–Provide more consistent results from teams of digital forensic investigators
–Provide a framework to predict analysis time, resources, and costs “ 



Metodologi Digital Forensik menurut DFRWS (Digital Forensic Research Workshop) 
“ Identification, preservation, examination, analysis, presentation, and decision “

Metodologi DOJ :
Langkah-langkah secara umum :



       Metode Forensik life cycle merupakan metode yang paling sederhana dan paling banyak digunakan oleh analis atau investigator digital forensik. Dimulai dari pengumpulan barang bukti, pemeriksaan, analisis, dan pelaporan. 

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